
The Place I want to visit!!

Egypt Is The Place I Really Want To Visit!!

 Image result for egypt Image result for egypt capital city

Links for Egypt:

 Egypt (Wikipedia)

 Egyptian Tourism Authority

Here is a nice YouTube video: 

Things to do in Egypt
1, Visit Pyramid !!!
 Image result for pyramid

2, To eat Egyptian food and juice
  Image result for エジプト juice

3, To visit museum
  Image result for エジプト 博物館

4,To visit Gaami‘ Muhammad‘Ali
 Image result for ガーマ・

5, To see the mask of Tutankhamun

Here's a google map of Egypt:

Thank you for reading my blog!!!
If you have any ideas of Egypt, Please let me know.

4 件のコメント:

  1. Egypt is famous for it's pyramid! I want to see it!

  2. Egypt is very nice place.
    I want to eat Egyptian food!

  3. Do you know Oosunaarashi who is a sumo wrestler from Egypt?
    I love him! I have an interest in Egypt!

  4. I didn't know how beautiful was Egypt!! T would like to visit!!
